Code Of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct is formulated to protect the individuals, properties and the systems and procedures that support the activities of the Institute.
The students of the college are required to observe the following code of conduct both within and outside the college:

  1.  Maintain discipline. Ragging is strictly banned in the college as well as in the hostels. A student found guilty of this crime may be punished heavily. It may lead to expulsion from the institution.
  2. Use of mobile phones in the class rooms and library is strictly prohibited. However, college phones may be used in case of emergency.
  3. Smoking is strictly forbidden both inside and outside the college campus, hostels and canteens, etc.
  4. Perfect silence should be maintained in the classroom, the library and the corridors of the college, so that the atmosphere in the college remains perfectly congenial to studies.
  5. Show proper respect to the lecturers and carry out their instructions most faithfully.
  6. Girl students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, modesty and simplicity. The girl students should wear sober dresses.
  7. Bring the identity card daily and produce it, if any member of the staff or official of the college demands it at any time. Identity card may be checked at the entry gate of the college and those without it, will not be allowed to enter.
  8. Students should be punctual in classes, functions
  9. Exhibit fine manners and excellent behaviour, use decent language, be courteous and polite in dealing with fellow students and college staff.
  10. Observe proper decorum in and outside the classroom and at the functions organized in the college. Students should respect their parents and elders from the core of their hearts.
  11. Students should endeavour to keep the environment neat, clean and beautiful at home and at college by using the dustbins and by avoiding littering.
  12. Students should understand that the college property is a national trust and as such its upkeep is as much their responsibility as that of the administration. Therefore, no one should disfigure furniture or deface walls with pencil, chalk or knife marks. Damage to the college property will not be condoned under any circumstances.
  13. Students are required not to remove chairs/furniture from any room.
  14. Plying of vehicles at the college campus is not allowed.
  15. Utilize free period in reading books, magazines and newspapers available in the library.
  16. Election of any kind without the permission of Principal is strictly prohibited
  17. Bringing outsider/crackers/weapons/any type of drugs may cause suspension or immediate expulsion along with fine
  18. Indiscipline of any kind (loose/vulgar/abusive language) with fellow students/staff/institution on social media/networking websites will not be tolerated. Those found guilty will be penalized.
  19. Eve-teasing is strictly prohibited.
  20. Students must make it a point to see the Notice Board and read the latest notices. Ignorance of orders duly displayed on the Notice Board shall not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance.
  21. A student will be punished, rusticated or expelled from the college, if he/she directly or indirectly takes part or induces others to do so in any movement, agitation or strike in the college for any reason, whatsoever, which, in the opinion of the Principal is subversive of the college discipline.
  22. Use of Tobacco, Pan Masala, Gutkha, Hookah, Alcohol, Drugs etc., is strictly prohibited.
  23. Loitering and gathering in the campus during the college hours is not entertained.
  24. Formation of any society, association, union or club without the permission of the Principal is not permitted.
  25. Political, religious activities, and collection of money inside or outside the campus in the name of college is strictly forbidden.
  26. Putting up notices without prior permission is not entertained.
  27. Indecent and disrespectful behavior towards women/girls will be dealt with very strictly.
  28. Presence of students from other colleges inside the campus/hostel is interdicted.
  29. College or management is not responsible for the loss of any kind of personal property.