Dress Code

Every student shall follow the dress code of the College: Formal uniform dress for girls and boys

  • Students must wear uniform, black shoes, college identity card every day.
  • Sleeveless blouses, tops, miniskirts, skirts, tights, shorts, bermudas printed t-shirts and flimsy attire is strictly impermissible.
  •  Flippers and crocs are not allowed.
  •  Tattooing, body piercing, hair coloring, fancy hair styles is not permitted.


  • Students must attend theory and practical classes regularly. 75% attendance is mandatory to avail PU Board Examination.
  •  Students must attend class tests and unit test that are conducted on a regular basis.
  •  Permission with respect to leaves should be taken from the class teacher. Note: If leave exceeds more than a week, permission to be taken from the Principal.
  • Student who fails to follow the above rule should take permission of all subject teachers.
  • Parents will be getting a Voice call from the College if the students remains Absent for the college before 10AM.
  • Without the intimation of Mentors/Parents, students will not be exiting the college premises.